Here Goes

Update: I originally wrote the following at the worst possible time. Things just got suddenly very busy (as I should have anticipated they would). I have not given up. I just won’t be able to put the time into it until at least a week from now.

Once I finish writing this post, the math blogging will begin.

Everything you need to know about me and this blog can be found in one of the pages on the right. Basically, I’m telling you about me (professional version) and this blog, covering my butt in case any readers put too much stock into what I write here, asking for your input, and asking that you be civil when you give it.

The primary purpose of this blog is to make public some things mathematical that have crossed my mind over the years. I suspect though that the purpose will expand to include professional updates about myself, such as career moves, conferences attended, or interesting bits from papers that I’m reading.

The \LaTeX support from WordPress is limited, so whatever I post here will be made available in alternate formats where full support is possible.

I was a bit nervous about putting myself out there when I started my personal blog almost a year ago, and despite having done that for a year, I have some of the same reservations now as then, and some new ones.

Some bugs probably still need to be worked out. I haven’t given much consideration to the layout/appearence yet (I’m just using the default layout assigned to me by WordPress), and the Pages to the right may not be in their final versions yet.

In any case, here goes.

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